Ingrid Rosendorf Joys is secretary-general of the Co-operative Council for Beliefs and Beliefs (STL), and is awarded the prize for her preventive work against alienation.

– The Non-Violence Prize draws attention to justice and peace using non-violence as a tool. By highlighting the legacy of King Jr. we want to encourage and support this, says general secretary Erhard Hermansen of Norway’s Christian Council, which together with Oslofjord Folkehøgskole and the Norwegian Baptist Association are behind the award.
The nomination committee for the Non-Violence Prize 2022 believes that Ingrid Rosendorf Joys, in her way of leading the Co-operative Council for faith and life-view communities, is in the middle of this tradition.
In the justification of the committee, it says:
– In a time with many challenges related to radicalization and violent extremism, STL has become a platform to prevent alienation, a platform that can bring parties in conflict together, and a platform for interreligious work for sustainable peace between social groups in Norway. This work has built up and prevented the expression of violent extremism that we have seen in many countries in Europe and elsewhere.
For example, on every occasion where tensions arise related to Muslim groups in Norway, safety for Norwegian Jews, follow-up work related to the type of radicalization and violence we witnessed on 22 July 2011, STL has managed to appear relevant, and through trust has been able facilitate processes that have contributed to equality and cohesion.
The committee emphasizes that Joys has been part of this tradition long before she joined STL. The nomination committee is proud to be able to award the non-violence award 2022 to Ingrid Rosendorf Joys. This time the committee was chaired by the chairman of Oslofjord Folkehøgskole Billy Taranger.
About the price
It is the Christian Council of Norway, Oslofjord Folkehøgskole and the Norwegian Baptist Community jointly that awards the Non-Violence Prize. The prize is NOK 30,000 and a visible memento, and is awarded in connection with the celebration of King’s Day atOslofjord Folkehøgskole in BærumFriday 22 April at 12.00.
– I am proud that Martin Luther King Jr. in 1964 visited our school, says principal Kristina Sletten Andersen at Oslofjord Folkehøgskole and is pleased that the Non-Violence Prize is being awarded at the school. The school has marked King’s Day for many years, and since 2015 the Non-Violence Prize has been awarded at the school.