This year looks set to be the highest number of students at Oslofjord Folkehøgskole in five years. From last year there is over a 20% increase.

-I think the last two school years have been too lonely and unsocial for many young people, and that many now see that the folk high schools are an arena where they can be social and get to be part of a community anyway, says principal Kristina Sletten Andersen about the explanation why many apply to the folk high schools.
She is very satisfied that the target for the increase in pupils is now well above what the school board has set. Currently, there are 70 students who have agreed to start, and the last time the number was this high was the 2016/2017 school year. From last year, the increase is thus over 20%. It is also pleasing to see that the proportion of students among the applicants who accept a school place is high.
– This means that more applicants than ever are determined that it is precisely Oslofjord that they want to start at. Location, size and the lines we offer are the most important things applicants state as reasons why they choose us, says Sletten Andersen.