Social work in Oslo is the line for you who are curious about people! If you want to find out what you want to study and work with later in life, this course may be something for you. In the online classes, you get close to people who know life from Oslo’s streets.

We all have prejudices. What do these prejudices do to us and how do we relate to them? This is the year where you get to challenge your prejudices, get to know yourself better and find new answers. When you get to see with your own eyes and experience social differences in the big city, it becomes easier to understand. Throughout the year, we work with our own thoughts, attitudes and xenophobia.
Oslo as a classroom
The online classes are filled with discussions in the classroom, and visits by, among other things, people with experience from drug environments and prisons. We visit hothouses, Prosentret for prostitutes, Oslo prison, and like to end the day with a cocoa at =Kaffe. Perhaps a chat with a beggar on Karl Johan will challenge your opinions, and possibly you will learn something new about yourself when you are going to be an outsider for a night in the capital.
“The good company”
What can we do for people who have substance abuse problems? Why do people start selling sex? How long is the road “back to society” after a stint in prison? These are some of the questions we ask over the years. We try to understand social differences and delve into topics such as crime and punishment, drug use, substance abuse treatment, prostitution and human trafficking. Why is it that someone falls “outside the good company”?
Student Maren Torper tells
I am very satisfied with the line of social work as I got to experience everything from substance abusers, child protection, crime and prostitutes. You learn about the most relevant things within the field and get a good overview of what social work entails.
Most of the teaching takes place at street level, where you get close to organizations in Oslo and get to take part in their work. This means that you get to see a completely different side of Oslo than most other people notice. Being able to be outside yourself and do meaningful tasks means that you gain a better understanding of the subject and not just sit inside the school desk.
I myself have been unsure of what I want after high school and have always had a great interest in working with people. By applying for this course, I got confirmation of what I want to study, and I take a lot of knowledge and good experiences with me further.
On a study trip to Thailand
In the spring we are going on a study trip to Thailand!